Can you do vermicomposting in an apartment?


When I started growing food on my balcony, I soon realized that I wanted to try to make my own compost. There are several advantages to making your own compost. However, composting is not an easy task when you live in an apartment. After my failure at hot composting on my balcony, I turned to worm composting, or vermicomposting, to see if that would work well in an apartment.

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Creating a small food forest

Creating a food forest

In early spring 2016 I started working on the second part of the garden – the small food forest area. The space I have available is not very lucrative. It’s facing north and is located next to a larger road and it only receives partial sun. In addition, the ground is full of stones and there are several larger trees in the area, creating shade. I don’t know if this will work, but I’m giving it a try.

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Mulching in a temperate climate garden

I am struggling with mulching in my garden at the moment. Mulching is such a simple concept, yet there are quite complicated processes behind it. As I am just starting my garden, my main problem is finding material to mulch with. I am not in a position to use the material that I think would work best, I have to use what I can come by.

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It is Spring in the Garden

Urtebed om våren

Here is a short update on the permaculture garden after the first winter. It seems like almost everything has survived – including the bishop’s weed! My improvised fence fell down, but it didn’t take long to fix it. I’ve added some new elements and continue working where I left it in the fall. We have had a cold and long spring, only at the beginning of May the weather warmed up a bit.

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