Plant species
One of the hardest things when starting out with a permaculture site I think, is to descide on which plants to choose. There are plenty to choose from and it requires a lot of time and reasearch to figure out which plants will do good in the climate you are in.
So I am compiling an ever growing list over the plants I have in my garden. Chances are, if you are in a similar climate, they will also work for you!
- Winter sars (satureja montana)
- Lemon thyme (thymus citriodorus)
- Chives (allium schoenoprasum)
- Borage (borage officinalis)
- Sage (salvia officinalis)
- Oregano (origanum vulgare)
- Peas
- Green cabbage
- Rhubarb
- Beach cabbage (white lilly)
- Leeks
- Spinach
- Goose berries
- Red currant
- Rasberries