Anita's Garden

Planning for the next garden season

Image by Graphix Made from Pixabay

One of the cool things about gardening in a cold climate is that you get the downtime during winter. This is the time where you can plan for the next season, and dream up the things you’re going to try out when spring time comes around.

I’ve spent some time looking in seed catalogues and online seeds companies the last couple of months. However, I’m trying to limit myself and not get to many new seeds – even if there are a million plants I would like to try. Last year we had a really cold summer here and not much worked out in my garden. That means I still have lots of seeds from last year that I haven’t been able to grow successfully yet. So I want to give those another try and see if I can get at least some of them to grow.

Next Read: Advantages of Winter

One of the guidelines in permaculture gardening is to obtain a yield as soon as possible. I think it is important to see the result of all your hard work. Last year I put a lot of work down and did not get much in return. So it was somewhat disappointing. However, I am still excited and ready for the next season.

Lessons learned in the garden

I think one of the main things I learned last season is to start the plants inside. Then they can grow to a proper size before I plant them out. One of the main reason last season didn’t provide much produce was that I tried direct seeding combined with very cold weather. This illustrates another of the main points in permaculture – observe. You pay close attention to what works and what doesn’t. Nature always gives you feedback – so make sure you listen.

I have already planted the first seeds – two different types of leeks. And some beach cabbage named White Lilly. I am very curious to see if the cabbage will make it. Because I should have planted them immediately this autumn. They do require stratification. But it is still winter and cold here, so I’m hoping they will germinate anyway. Then I have some apple trees just starting from seed. They have also been in my fridge for a while, and seem to be coming up ok.

As March is coming up I will plant a whole range of other stuff. I have the seed packets more or less lined up. And I am still waiting for some of the once I ordered. I think I have about 40 different plants planned for the season. Maybe that is a bit much as I am just getting started with the garden. I think I have reduced a lot already, there are lots more I would like to try.

We will see how it goes as the season progresses. Some things will hopefully work and other things will for sure fail!